PODCAST: Shane Christopher Neal – Industry 45 From The Drum Throne featuring Deen Castronovo of Journey, Revolution Saints

Deen Castronovo is a name that resonates with fans of rock music, particularly those who are familiar with the bands Journey and Revolution Saints. His exceptional drumming skills and versatile style have captivated audiences around the world, making him a true rock star behind the drum kit.

In a recent interview on the Industry 45 From The Drum Throne Podcast, hosted by Shane Christopher Neal, Deen Castronovo opened up about his illustrious career and music journey. From his early days with Bad English to his time with Journey and Revolution Saints, Castronovo shared insights into his experiences in the music industry.

One of the highlights of the interview was Castronovo’s discussion about his new album with Revolution Saints, a band he formed with Jeff Pilson and Joel Hoekstra. The trio’s chemistry and musical prowess shine through in their latest work, showcasing Castronovo’s talent and passion for creating music.

The conversation also touched upon Castronovo’s journey with Journey, a band that he was famously kicked out of before being given a second chance. Reflecting on his time with the iconic rock band, Castronovo shared how grateful he is for the opportunity to return and perform with his bandmates once again.

Throughout the interview, it was evident that Deen Castronovo is not only a powerhouse behind the drum kit but also a charismatic and engaging personality in interviews. His enthusiasm for music and his genuine love for the art form shone through as he spoke about his experiences and the lessons he has learned along the way.

For fans of rock music and drumming enthusiasts, the full interview with Deen Castronovo on the Industry 45 From The Drum Throne Podcast is a must-listen. It offers a rare glimpse into the life and career of a talented musician who has left an indelible mark on the world of rock music.

To listen to the full interview with Deen Castronovo, click here. And don’t forget to share this post with your friends and fellow music lovers to spread the word about this incredible conversation with a rock legend.

This blog post highlights the recent interview with Deen Castronovo on the Industry 45 From The Drum Throne Podcast, shedding light on his career, music journey, and experiences with bands like Journey and Revolution Saints. It emphasizes his exceptional drumming skills, versatility, and passion for music, making him a true rock star both on and off the stage. The post encourages readers to listen to the full interview and share it with others to celebrate the talent and artistry of Deen Castronovo.

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